Returns & Exchanges

You have 365 days to return your purchase if you're unsatisfied. Simply send it back to our warehouse in Honolulu for a refund.

All returns must be unworn, unwashed, in the same condition as received, and with all original tags and packaging intact.

For RETURNS: You have up to 365 days (1 full year) to return your items. They must be unworn, unwashed, in original condition, and with all original tags and packaging. Please note that shipping fees are non-refundable, and refunds will be credited back to the original method of payment, minus a 10% restocking fee.

For EXCHANGES: You can place a new order online and send the item back for credit, or use the form on the back of your packing slip. Re-shipping fee is FREE with Standard Shipping.
There is NO restocking fee for exchanges.

To start a U.S. Domestic return or exchange, click the Request Return button on your order information. To cover the shipping cost, a flat handling fee of $9.95 will be collected.

ITEMS NOT RETURNABLE: Wholesale, bulk special orders, fabric orders, unpackaged items, made-to-order items (including embroidery, engraving, or special customization), and any closeout or final-sale items. Any unauthorized returns sent beyond our return policy window of 365 days or that do not meet our return requirements will not be refunded and returned to you. 

To CANCEL AN ORDER: If your order is pending shipment, contact us via email or phone to cancel. If your order has already shipped, we'll process it as an exchange or return.

To start a U.S. Domestic return or exchange, click the Request Return button to access your account. There is a flat handling fee of $9.95 to cover the shipping cost. Allow 24 hours for an email with a shipping label.

Request Return

While we cannot provide international return labels, you are welcome to use any postal carrier for your return shipment. Please contact our customer service team before sending your return.

If you prefer to ship your return yourself, use the address below via the carrier of your choice:

Return or exchange address:
Shaka Time Hawaii
866 Iwilei Rd., Suite 206
Honolulu, HI 96817

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